ANova Hacks Crowdfunding Begins

Berkeley ANova
2 min readNov 6, 2018
Students pose at ANova Hacks 2018.

This semester, ANova has been planning multiple events for our community! As scheduled, we will host our annual twenty-four-hour hackathon, ANova Hacks. It’s specially catered to first-time hackers and programmers; we’re focused on giving students who have a passion for computer science, but not necessarily the resources, a chance to build their own project.

The hackathon will include many beginner workshops and a welcoming environment for new programmers. ANova Hacks is completely free of charge for participants, which means that our budget comes entirely from scholarships, donations, and all sorts of crowdfunding.

Why are we crowdfunding? It’s expensive to host a hackathon, especially one that runs overnight. We also aim to ensure that all of our participants are able to attend regardless of any financial barriers. Thus, we need a little help from those who are willing to contribute.

To host the hackathon at Covo, a friendly coworking space in the heart of San Francisco, we will need to raise $4,000. Additionally, we plan on raising more money to cover participants’ transportation costs (i.e. BART tickets). Last year, many students could not make it to the event because of transportation issues. We do not want that to be a barrier to our participants this year.

Donating to ANova Hacks helps provide students with a safe, encouraging environment where they can not only learn to program unique projects that they are passionate about, but also develop a sense of confidence in their own abilities to succeed as computer scientists.

Our crowdfunding website has more information about the donation process! Donors will also receive special perks, such as personalized thank you letters and an invitation to the awards ceremony at ANova Hacks, depending on how much money they contribute. Perks allow us to thank our donors properly. The fundraiser will be closed on Nov. 15. All of the money donated will go towards a successful hackathon and the furthering of CS education in under resourced communities!



Berkeley ANova

Berkeley ANova is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving computer science education in under-resourced communities across the Bay Area.